Spring is approaching in Michigan's Upper Peninsula

Its almost here!

As of yesterday, the first official day of spring has sprung but you wouldn't know it by looking outside.

With that being said it's not far off. The rivers in our area (south central Upper Peninsula) the rivers are all starting to flow showing signs of our thaw along with the first arrivals of stone flies.

A few steelhead, brown, and rainbow trout have been brought to hand, and a few were lost. As our water levels start to rise and stain up with the melt/runoff larger stone fly, caddis, and egg patterns will be the ticket for the nymph fisherman and for those of us who like to swing a fly or strip a streamer larger baitfish style patterns such as D&Ds, Covid 19, and other similar patterns will be the ticket as you will want some mass in the faster moving and stained waters of the spring start.

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