Believe it or not, Springtime in Michigan's Upper Peninsula is approaching. This means open rivers and steelhead to start and smallmouth and trout behind them.
It's always a guessing game with us up here in the U.P. as I have seen the rivers open in mid-March and I have also seen them not open until late April. Once the rivers open and the ice blows out we will have some early movers in the river but the larger pushes of fresh steel will generally occur when conditions are just right. I.E. 40 dgr water, some stain, and a bit high are some of those prime conditions that I am referring to.
Shortly after the steelhead move in and when the water temps start to approach 50 dgrs the original river gangsters the smallmouth bass start to migrate in and I mean to tell you that if you have never fished pre-spawn lake run smallmouth you don't know what you are missing.
These runs typically last from late March through May and we are on the water chasing them almost daily in some way shape or form.
If you would like your shot at chasing some of the truly amazing fish shoot us and email and we will get you on the schedule.