Trout fishing in Michigans Upper Peninsula does not end at the end of September! Quite often people tend to get big fish fever (steelhead and salmon) and tend to forget about our awesome trout fishery which depending on weather will remain great all winter.
This year the late season trout fishing has shined brighter than in the past as we have dealt with low water conditions since the early summer which has prevented to a degree the push of the fall fish. We here in the south central U.P. have two rivers to fish the fall fish one to the east and one to the south west. The river to the east has become elbow to elbow and we have chosen to basically quit guiding on that river (its become a crap hole) and our river to the south west has no water as it is a free flowing river and we just havent gotten the rain that we need.
With that being said these are some of the reasons that this fantastic year round trout fishery has become so important to us. Right now the nymphing along with the streamer game have been producing some strong results! Keep in mind we are fast approaching winter and the weather can change on a dime so be prepared!